Category: Learning

Howdy Y’all!

Have you ever been somewhere, learning so much information that you just had to take notes and hopefully be able to understand it all later via Dr. Google searches? I know it sounds like college, but that’s how I felt at the recent Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) Conference that I crashed. It wasn’t a bad […]

Anchor Man

Today I feel like Will Farrell in Anchor Man “I’m stuck in a glass case of emotions!” So many feelings, emotions, aches, pains, things to do, things I want to, things I wish to do….just all the things. Being type A and going in order has always helped so that’s how we will approach this […]


I’m an ER nurse. Being an ER nurse means I work 12 hours at a time, 3 days a week. I know a lot about recognizing signs of impending death and how to stop it. I know a little about everything else medical. A jack of all trades, master of none, small increments of large […]