Category: Updates

Howdy Y’all!

Have you ever been somewhere, learning so much information that you just had to take notes and hopefully be able to understand it all later via Dr. Google searches? I know it sounds like college, but that’s how I felt at the recent Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) Conference that I crashed. It wasn’t a bad […]

Survivor Update

Wow warriors, I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve updated you all. Lots going on. Some good, some bad. Let us start where we left off….. End of Summer I ended the summer with a trip to Colorado to see friends. Then dove right back into work. August 2022 and the first part […]

I’m a Survivor

Goodness gracious warriors! Time just flies when you’re having fun. That’s what survivorship is? Fun, right? Well not really, not all the time at least. And that’s okay. You can’t experience joy without some pain. Medical I suppose we can kick it right off with some medical talk. As you know, I’m on two drugs […]

Work Work Work

One of the hardest things for me to accept was the change cancer made on my career. Gone are the 12-to-16 hour overnight shifts in the Emergency Department. Gone are the days of 2-to-5 minute CPR. My body can simply not handle that and be as healthy as I can be. I now need stability […]