Category: Updates


The AYA community (Adolescents and Young Adults) cancer community doesn’t like the term “battle cancer,” because it implies that somehow someone didn’t do enough if they “lose their battle” to cancer. While I completely understand and respect this, I can also understand how the whole “battle” idea came into play, especially when it comes to […]


Hey everybody! Today, I finally finished something I’m really excited about. I made the video below on TikTok to show the world what radiation is like. I feel like going into radiation I had no idea what it was going to be like and entail. Hopefully it helps educate you too! Feel free to ask […]


Is it normal? Normal takes on a whole different meaning with a cancer diagnosis. Everything is changed to: Is this normal for cancer? Is this normal for chemotherapy treatment? Is this normal for post surgical? Is this normal for radiation? Most of the time, the answer is: yes it’s normal, but here we can try […]

The Big Chop

Hey warriors! Can you believe it’s been a whole week since the chop chop of my breasts? I sure can not. Like always, I had big plans of how I would maximize this time at home; books to read, some nursing studying, activity books. All my body wants to do is rest. I’ll actively rest […]